how do i apply
Reach out
We have put a good system in place to help you reach us. All simple and effective.
Visit our site
Our site is not just a one-way-communication. We want to hear from you too. To apply, visit our site, jump to our career section and then to our e-recruitment system. Scan through the jobs mentioned and apply to the one that fits you. Simple, isn’t it?
Registered Yet?
The whole process starts with a simple registration. You’ll find a registration form that will ask you for some basic information and questions for you to fill. Fill it diligently without missing a point and submit it. Once you’ve registered, you’ve brought yourself in our consideration set. Remember, your registration form is our first touch-point with you and our first basis of assessment.
Do I know you?
If you know someone from our company, lets us know through the employee referral form. Fill in the details of the employee like his/her name, employee code and department name.
Check out job portals
Job portals could be another good way. You’ll also find our openings on popular job portals like Naukri, Monster and others. On finding a match, fill in the required details and apply, and we will get back to you.
Campus calling
You can also find us paying a visit to your campus to scout for good candidates to fill our vacancies. There are placement co-ordinates who send us basic details of your institute. Depending on the requirement of the job, HR department will come to your campus.
Print ads. Read
There is also the good, old ways of finding an opening through newspaper advertisement. Read the terms and conditions properly and apply accordingly.

Recruitment Procedure
Getting there
Like a hurdle race, there are stages that need to be crossed before one gets to the finishing line. And when you have the appointment letter in your hand, rejoicing and breaking the news to your loved ones, you can always proudly add how you’ve earned it all.
To each his own
Though there are some common steps to the whole process of recruitment, it varies as per the departments and job profile. A marketing department would have a different selection process than a R&D department.
One step at a time
Here are some basic steps that one needs to climb or follow before being recruited:
Step 1
As we mentioned before, we’ve different sources on-board who help us find the right candidate. As the first step we source resumes and profiles of candidates from them. So, don’t forget to get in touch with one of them.
Step 2
From the lot, we shortlist some candidates and our HR calls them for a telephonic interview. Call it the first process of screening.
Step 3
If you impress at the telephonic interview, you get a call for the personal interview with our detailing script preparation.
Step 4
If you manage to clear both with flying colors, we will discuss your pay package, rules, terms and conditions and other useful things.
Step 5
The next step is the submission of documents. Be careful with it because we verify them as well.
Step 6
Upon verification of your documents and background checks, we release your offer letter. It is generally accompanied by a unified call from friends for a treat.
Step 7
It’s not really a step. Unless you take it literally. Because, now you’re welcome to join the XENO family and take the first step towards a glowing future.
Recruitment FAQs
How can I apply in XENO?
You can visit our career webpage and get yourself registered. After the completion of registration process, you can then apply for suitable current job openings as per your requirement.
How do I know the status of my application in XENO?
You can login your account on our career webpage and check the current status of your application. You can also check your registered email ID as mail notification is sent whenever there is change in application status.
What if I do not find an opportunity immediately?
In case you do not find any suitable current opening, you may then submit your resume in our data bank available on our career webpage.
How will I be evaluated for a career opportunity with XENO?
You will be evaluated against predefined selection criteria for the current job opening in terms of educational, technical and behavioral skills.
If I’m not selected for one position, can I submit my resume for another position?
Yes, you can apply for another position matching your skill-set.
When will the final results of the interview be available?Â
You can check your application status on our career webpage for the Interview Status within 3 working days.
How will I continue to grow as a professional in XENO?
Career growth at XENO is based solely on performance. We foster a dynamic work environment by providing opportunities for learning, training and development that enhance employee satisfaction, productivity and career development.
If I have worked with XENO earlier and I want to be a part of the organization again, how can I re-apply?
For the ease and comfort of the ex-XENOians, we have a separate section by the name of xeno Alumni on the career page wherein you can login and apply but can also refer your friends for current suitable openings.
Who do I reach out to if I have any questions about the on-boarding process in XENO?
For all queries regarding on-boarding, you need to contact the concerned recruiter.
I still have questions. May I talk with someone?
Unfortunately, due to the volume of applicants we cannot give informational interviews. If you have a specific question that isn’t answered above, please send an email to careers@xenopharma.com